Bad credit can happen to anyone in any situation. If you fall behind on your credit card payments and start missing payments your credit will suffer. When it comes time to refinance your mortgage all of these late payments will have a negative impact on the mortgage you will qualify for. Here are tips to help you clean up your credit and qualify for a better mortgage.
The state of your credit will influence your reasons for refinancing. You may be Refinancing your mortgage to lower your monthly payments. You can accomplish this by qualifying for a better interest rate or choose a mortgage with a longer duration. Another reason for refinancing your mortgage is by improving your credit by consolidating debt. You can pay to refinance your mortgage with cash back from equity in your home to higher interest debt. If your account will help you take control of your budget and startup on your bills.
Before you refinance your mortgage for any reason, should take an inventory of your credit and improve your credit score as many points as possible. Your credit score is derived from your credit records. Credit records are maintained by three credit rating agencies, these records are often prone to error. Request copies of your credit records from each of these three agencies and check them carefully for errors. If you find errors, you need to settle the disputesErrors before applying for a mortgage.
Once you are sure your credit records are correct, ask your credit score. Your credit score is often referred to as a FICO score, named after the company that it charged. Your credit score is determined by a number of factors in your credit records. These factors include your history of debt repayment and how much debt. You can improve your credit score by paying your balances on your credit cards and ensure that allYour payments will be promptly executed.